Supporting Children & Young People with Special and Additional Needs

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A special need can be a physical, emotional, behavioural, or learning disability or impairment that requires additional or specialised support.  

Combining the years of experience as a Specific Learning Difficulties and Special Educational Needs Teacher with my Yoga Teacher qualification is a completely natural and wonderful place that I find myself.

Having the opportunity to share yoga and enjoy the company of wonderful children and adults is an honour and a privilege and an inherent part of my belief that all individuals should have the opportunity to experience the amazing benefits of yoga.

Yoga for special needs is a practice of gentle movement that brings a sense of focus and relaxation to the mind and the body. Using gentle breathing techniques alongside movement to the body through different yoga postures and sequences, settles the nervous system.

When the nervous system is balanced the child or adult can begin to feel a sense of calmness and relaxation, giving the individual the space within the mind and body to build confidence, self-esteem and begin to create new connections and awareness with their environment.

Moving from different yoga postures builds strength, flexibility, and balance and can be used to either calm or energise the mind and body depending on the needs of child or adult. As we move in yoga we create new pathways for the mind and body to connect. These connections give the child or adult new opportunities to develop their own skills as an individual bringing a sense of achievement, self-belief and independence.

The Benefits of Special Yoga:

  • Reduced stress and anxiety
  • Improved resilience and immune function
  • Develops the ability to self-regulate and manage transitions
  • Enhanced sense of well-being calm and peace
  • Establishes a calm, organised mental state
  • Develops physical strength, muscle tone, flexibility and balance
  • Creates focus and develops concentration

As a Special Yoga teacher for Autism and ADHD I'm here to discuss all your options and specific requirements and to make yoga work for you.